The North East Business Awards are celebrating a very special year in 2025

- it's our 25th anniversary! 

From high streets to business parks and industrial estates, from gleaming city centre offices to workshops, factories and farms, businesses big and small are the lifeblood of our regional economy.

But they are about so much more than numbers on a balance sheet - they are a key part of the fabric of our communities, and help to make the North East such an amazing place to live and work.

The North East Business Awards honour the region’s best businesses, and the amazing people behind them, from the boardroom to the shop floor.

The awards will celebrate innovation, entrepreneurship, technology and creativity, honour brilliant people going the extra mile for their customers and clients, and shine a light on the fantastic things businesses are doing to make a difference right here in the North East.

Winners will take to the stage at our glittering awards dinner alongside guests including some of our most influential business leaders. And we will showcase their stories to our audience of millions online at Chronicle Live, Teesside Live and Business Live and in the pages of The Journal and The Gazette.

Our awards are open to businesses of all types and sizes, so whatever your company does, there will be a category that fits. There are also categories for individuals too, from apprentices starting out to people who have been making a difference for decades.

The North East Business Awards are FREE TO ENTER, so for your chance to be a winner, simply fill out the entry form before the deadline of 5pm on 16th June 2025.

Judges will select their sub-regional winners, which will be announced online and in print, and the winners for each category in the sub-regions will then be invited to attend the Grand Final taking place in the Grand Marquee at Hardwick Hall Hotel, Sedgefield on Thursday 25th September 2025.

ENTRY DEADLINE: 5pm, 16 June 2025


Interested in becoming a partner?

To find out more about becoming a partner of the North East Business Awards

and the extensive benefits package associated with this, please get in touch today

Lesley Hampson - lesley@hold-events.co.uk  |  07748 908058

Dawn Owens - dawn@hold-events.co.uk  |  07789 666437